The Kindergarten Museum is a museum for the whole family
The Kindergarten Museum has a lot to see, experience, and play with for both children and adults. The museum is designed from a children's perspective to introduce the daily life of kindergartens in the old days. The museum has plenty of interesting objects and engaging places that invite you to play together.
The Kindergarten Museum is an excellent first cultural destination to visit together with a small child. In the museum, objects used in kindergartens and ECEC centers, such as toys, games and pedagogical equipment, are displayed in display cases and on separate platforms intended for museum objects. Next to the museum collections, there are similar toys and tools in duplicates, which can be explored by touching and playing, which deepens the experience of the museum visit. Since the Kindergarten Museum is a culturally historically significant and valuable environment, it is important that a child explores the museum together with their own adult. Children under the age of 16 visit the museum only with their own adult.
It is worth reserving time to visit the museum because you will enjoy your visit here. You can even visit us every week - there are always new things to explore and play with friends continuing from where it was left off. In our small museum cafe, you can buy organic juice and coffee, as well as a small snack. You can also bring your own snacks, which can be enjoyed between exploring the museum and playing in the shared kitchen, which has dishes, a microwave, a stove and a high chair.
The museum is open to visitors on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12 pm to 7 pm from August to June. The museum also has additional museum days to be announced on a separate schedule. Families are also welcome to the museum outside of the regular visitor opening hours by booking a private group visit. For example, you can book a group visit and come with your family and friends. With a private visit, you can spend time in the museum with your own group for 1.5 hours. The visit can be booked on a weekday (Mon-Fri) between 8 am and 5 pm. The price for the visit is 30 euros plus entrance fees (10 € / 6 € / Museum card). With one reservation, a maximum of three families can come to the museum at a time.
The Kindergarten Museum participates every year in the Kallio kukkii (May) and Kallio kipinöi (November) city district festivals and the Night of the Arts (August) and Night of the Science (January) events. The Kindergarten Museum's Christmas event is one of the yearly highlights. We are also a familiar sight with a pop-up museum at different children's festivals - sometimes even all over Finland!
You can see updated information about our upcoming events in the Current events -section (updated in Finnish). You can also see event updates and other current happenings on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
"A nice place also with a 9 -month-old baby."
"Play lasted a good while. We also had our grandmother with us. She got to explore inside the familiar building from her childhood."
"Thank you for the Christmas event! It was truly wonderful! The kindergarten museum is a favorite of our family :)"
Taken from the guestbook of the Kindergarten Museum
Opening hours
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12 – 7 PM,By agreement also at other times
Call 050 3077 399
Send an email to ebeneser(at)

Welcome to the adventure at the Ebeneser House under the guidance of the Museum Mouse!
The adventure in the Ebeneser House is the result of cooperation between different operators in the building. During the spring of 2021, the Museum Mouse exchanged letter correspondence with the children of the Orvokit group at the Ebeneser ECEC center. The sounds from different parts of the house belonging to the children's own floor had interested the children for a long time and the children wanted to see all the secret places in the house. What is that sound that sounds just like a drum? Are there dancing upstairs? There must be Christmas lights in the attic!
The Museum Mouse gave small assignments and ideas on how to get to know the house with creativity and wonder. Music pedagogy students Helinä Tanner and Pauliina Ruokari were partners of the Museum Mouse in this wonderful adventure.
In the video, the Museum Mouse acts as a tour guide as the adventure takes us through the Ebeneser house, everywhere from the basement to the attic. The ideas and thoughts behind the photo angles and perceptions of the house come from the children’s thoughts. Helinä and Pauliina have now put together the whole adventure for all of us to appreciate.
In addition to the Kindergarten Museum and the Ebeneser Foundation, the Ebeneser House houses Helsinki city kindergarten Ebeneser, Central Helsinki music academy. We also got to enjoy the company of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences' Early Childhood Music Education and Applied Use of Art (Bachelor of music pedagogy UoA) training in 2019-2020.
Photos, videos, and drawings:
Ebeneser kindergarten Orvokit -group, Helinä Tanner and Pauliina Ruokari
Helinä Tanner and Pauliina Ruokari
Museum Mouse song:
composed by Laura Tuikkanen
lyrics by Laura Tuikkanen and Early Childhood Music Education and Applied Use of Ar -students
arranged by Helinä Tanner and Pauliina Ruokari
Museum Mouse illustration:
Jukka Lemmetty