Apply to us

The Kindergarten Museum offers interesting internships and job opportunities for those interested in the museum field. We have opportunities to work with visitors in the front house, object and photograph collections or archives, and the library give a wide range of possibilities to choose an area of museum work that interests you. We work closely with the early childhood education and cultural sectors.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for an internship opportunity or a thesis idea. The Kindergarten Museum is a great internship place, especially for students majoring in museology, history, information technology, early childhood education, education, production, art and media. Here you get to do hands-on tasks and gain experience!

We also publish notices for current employment opportunities at the Kindergarten Museum on this webpage.


Soita +358 50 307 0705 / Museum Director Taina Sillanpää

Send an email to taina.sillanpaa(at)